Interdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research
Impact of Yagya on Particulate Matters
Saxena Mamta1  Brijesh Kumar2  Sarika Matharu3 
[1] Adviser, Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Lodhi Road, Delhi;CEO, Hyphen Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Najafgarh, Delhi;Researcher, Divine India Youth Association, Gurgaon, Haryana;
关键词: Particulate Matter;    Yagya, hazards;    Air pollution;    CO2;   
DOI  :  10.36018/ijyr.v1i1.5
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Particulate Matters (PM) is a result of air pollution and associated with health hazards. Studies support mild or strong association of PM with lung diseases including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive diseases, newborn mortality rate, etc. Particles of size < 2.5µM are declared as health hazard as they penetrate deep into lungs and lodge themselves there. Ineffective clearance of this PM results in a chronic, low-grade inflammatory response leading to various disease. Current efforts to control PM are scarce and demanded to find solutions which can prevent or control the increasing PM levels. Ancient texts including Vedas and Upanishads mentioned a technique called Yagya, which has application to purify the environment specifically polluted air. Preliminary evidences suggested that Yagya reduces air pollution generated SO2 and NO2 level along with biological air pollutants such as microorganisms. The present study examined the Yagya's effect on air PM. The present study, conducted two indoor case study experiments to find the effect of Yagya on PM in indoor environment in December 2017. The study showed trend of decrease of PM 2.5, PM 10, and CO2 after performing Yagya inside the residences of 2 case studies. The present study introduced Vedic technique-Yagya as a solution to reduce indoor air pollutants specifically PM and CO2, and laid the foundation for further research.

【 授权许可】


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