Современная зарубежная психология
Modern e-learning technologies: analysis of the impact of gamification methods on student engagement in the educational process
Ermakov S.S.1 
[1] Moscow State University of Psychology and Education;
关键词: gamification;    learning motivation;    formative assessment;    e-learning;    blended learning;   
DOI  :  10.17759/jmfp.2020090304
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents the factors influencing the learning outcomes in distance format, modern types of e-learning and factors that affect the educational motivation of users in online courses. The features of educational motivation are considered and the process of motivational design in e-learning is presented. As a key method of increasing motivation and involvement in the educational process of online courses, the article describes the technology of gamification. The paper also presents the «Octalize» method, developed and applied for the balanced and effective use of gamification techniques, assessment of the main motivational factors, as well as for the analysis and design of optimal conditions for the presence of game elements in the educational process.

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