International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Dielectrophoresis for Bioparticle Manipulation
Zhan Yang1  Lining Sun1  Xiangpeng Li1  Zunbiao Ge1  Liguo Chen1  Tao Chen1  Cheng Qian1  Haibo Huang1 
[1] Robotics and Microsystems Center, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow University,Suzhou 215000, China;
关键词: dielectrophoresis;    lab-on-a-chip;    bioparticle;    trapping;    detection;    focusing;    pairing;    separation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms151018281
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

As an ideal method to manipulate biological particles, the dielectrophoresis (DEP) technique has been widely used in clinical diagnosis, disease treatment, drug development, immunoassays, cell sorting, etc. This review summarizes the research in the field of bioparticle manipulation based on DEP techniques. Firstly, the basic principle of DEP and its classical theories are introduced in brief; Secondly, a detailed introduction on the DEP technique used for bioparticle manipulation is presented, in which the applications are classified into five fields: capturing bioparticles to specific regions, focusing bioparticles in the sample, characterizing biomolecular interaction and detecting microorganism, pairing cells for electrofusion and separating different kinds of bioparticles; Thirdly, the effect of DEP on bioparticle viability is analyzed; Finally, the DEP techniques are summarized and future trends in bioparticle manipulation are suggested.

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