Journal of Curriculum Studies
香港課程改革十年回顧:脈絡視角的評析 The Decade Review of Hong Kong Curriculum Reform: An Analysis of Contextual Perspective
霍秉坤Ping-Kwan Fok1  葉慧虹Wai-Hung Ip2 
[1] Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
关键词: 香港;    脈絡;    實施;    課程改革;    Hong Kong;    context;    implementation;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

上世紀末,全球各地進行大模規的教育和課程改革,香港也跟上這股潮流。一般來說,香港各項課程改革都有的放矢,具一定理念,也順應全球社會發展的方向。2001年香港課程發展議會發表文件「學會學習:課程發展路向」已10年。對於這個規模龐大、改革全面、影響深遠的課程改革,研究者認為應整體檢視,以明瞭課程設計與其實施的落差。本文首先簡介檢視課程改革的視角;其次,簡介香港課程改革的重要歷程;再次,探討課程改革在政策層面的理念和協調;然後,探討課程改革在學校層面所面對的問題與困難;最後,對課程改革提出相應的建議。簡言之,本文展示課程改革在政策層面的理念與其在學校層面的實施,存在明顯的落差。所有課程制定者都必須關注,他們在政策層面的意念能否在學校層面實施。 At the end of last decade, various localities over the world started to progress enormous education and curriculum reform. Hong Kong, having no exception, had followed this reform tide. In general, all Hong Kong curriculum reform measures possessed learning objectives, consisted of reform underlying rationales and aligned with developmental trends in global societies. Since Curriculum Development Council issued in 2001 the document entitled “Learning to learn: The way forward in curriculum”, this enormous, comprehensive and high impacted curriculum reform has been executed for 10 years. The authors think that holistic review will be helpful to understand and interpret the curriculum design and its implementation dip. This paper is divided into five sections. First, it briefly states the perspective being used in this review. Second, it highlights significant courses of Hong Kong curriculum reform. Third, it inquires the rationales and alignment of reform at policy level. Then, it examines the problems and difficulties being faced in its implementation. Finally, it proposes ways for managing curriculum reform. In precise, this article exhibits the significant differences between curriculum reform rationales at policy level and curriculum implementation at school level. It stresses that all curriculum makers should aware whether their rationales designed at policy level is able to implement in the school level.

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