Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
Attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder
Marco Serafini1  Giovanni Russo1  Antonio Ranieri1 
[1] Cedefop;
关键词: Vocational education and training;    Attitudes;    Labour market outcomes;    Quality of education;    School quality;    Learning environments;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s40461-019-0082-2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract This paper investigates attitudes towards vocational education and training (VET) using Eurobarometer data supplemented by OECD TALIS data. Attitudes are measured in two different ways. First, by a general measure reflecting attitudes towards VET in the country and second by a self-reported measure of personal attitudes towards VET based on the likelihood of recommending it to young men and women. The paper finds that the general attitude towards VET is influenced by the quality of the learning environment and the ability of VET to connect to the world of work. However, only the latter factor is associated with a person’s inclination to recommend VET to young men and women. The positive attitude towards VET is found to be at risk of erosion because interviewees associate a VET background with worse labour market outcomes compared to general education. Vocational programmes provided by schools are also associated with a less desirable learning environment.

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