Journal of King Saud University: Science
Combining of molecular 16S rRNA gene and metabolic fingerprinting through biolog system for the identification of streptomycetes in Saudi Arabia
Awad A. Algarni1 
[1] Department of Biology, College of Science and Arts, Albaha University, Baljurashi, Saudi Arabia;
关键词: 16srRNA;    Biolog MicroPlate;    Streptomyces;    Molecular;    Fingerprinting;    Identification;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Many of the conventional identification methods for the group of streptomycetes deal with attempts to reveal their metabolic activity as well as their genetic makeup. The current study dealt with the possibility of combining one of the most prevalent molecular identification methods of bacteria, which is 16S rRNA gene sequencing along with the use of some basic standard methods and linking them with the Biolog system for bacterial identification. The study was conducted on the isolated Streptomyces (isolate EA3) with an ability of cellulose utilization, a well-known activity of the genus Streptomyces in nature. Identification of the isolate was achieved by standard phenotypic methods. The isolate was metabolically fingerprinted using the Biolog MicroPlate. Molecular identification was also performed using analysis of 16 s rRNA. The characteristic band of about 1487 bp was obtained. The sequencing analysis was performed and revealed that the isolate is very close to Streptomyces cinereoruber. The obtained sequence, 405 bp, was deposited in GenBank under accession, MT907291.1. The study concludes on the importance of linking the molecular and metabolic fingerprints of this genus of bacteria because of its enormous role in the natural processes and its numerous benefits.

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