International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Investigating self-directed learning and technology readiness in blending learning environment
Shuang Geng1  Ben Niu1  Kris M. Y. Law2 
[1]College of Management, Shenzhen University
[2]School of Engineering, Deakin University
关键词: Blended learning;    Self-directed learning;    Technology readiness;    Motivation;    Community of inquiry;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s41239-019-0147-0
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Blended Learning (BL) creates a ‘rich’ educational environment with multiple technology-enabled communication forms in both face-to-face and online teaching. Students’ characteristics are closely related to the learning effectiveness in the BL environment. Students’ ability to direct themselves in learning and to utilise learning technologies can affect student learning effectiveness. This study examined the impacts of self-directed learning, technology readiness, and learning motivation on the three presences (social, teaching, cognitive) among students undertaking subjects in BL and non-BL (NBL) settings. The results indicated that the BL environment provides good facilitation for students’ social involvement in the class. Student technology readiness plays a stronger role in impacting the teaching presence in a BL environment than NBL environment. These findings imply that a proper BL setting creates a cohesive community and enhances collaborations between students. Prior training of learning technologies can potentially enhance students’ teaching presence.
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