Space Ontology International Journal
Investigating the Relationship Between Density and Social sustainability in Informal Settlements, Case Study: Khezr District of Hamadan
Maryam Ghahremani1 
[1]Ph.D. Candidatet of Urbanism, Faculty ofArchitecture and Urban planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.
关键词: Density;    Informal Settlement;    Social sustainability;    Sustainable city;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Social sustainability has focus on the type of development that promotes social interaction and inclusion. It gives emphasis to inclusive community, social cohesions, quality of life, social equity and diversity. In fact, as one of the three domains of sustainability social sustainability plays a vital role in enhancing the community by the means of giving delivering equal opportunities, creating vibrant, diverse and inclusive environment and fulfill the social needs of the inhabitants.Informal settlement is not a physical problem but it is resulted from macrostructure factors on the national level. It is actually a type of settlement in urban space which marks a significant difference with other types of settlements.In this study, a considerable attention to relationship between density and social sustainability in most populated informal settlement of Hamedan, Khezr district. The variables of social sustainability were examined through 367 questionnaires in accordance with  the district population using SPSS (v.20) to analyze the data. The findings confirm that there are not significance relationship between all indicators of social sustainability and density.
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