Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi 卷:5
Polycentric Development for Sustainable Cities: An Evaluation for the Ankara Metropolitan Area
N Aydan Sat1  Z. Aslı Gürel Üçer1  S. Bahar Yenigül1  Çiğdem Varol1 
[1] Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning, Ankara;
关键词: Polycentric development;    Sustainable city;    Urban form;    Metropolitan area;    Ankara;   
DOI  :  10.5505/jas.2017.05025
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Urban population growth and the accompanying urban growth and expansion are seen as the main problems of metropolitan cities; this keeps the issues of how to consider the social, economic, spatial and environmental dimensions of cities within the framework of a concept of sustainability, and how to shape cities within this context, on the agenda. In today’s world, cities are accepted as the main hubs of energy consumption and environmental pollution, as centers of capital, culture and innovation, and as the places of residence of millions of people. Expanding and sprawling urban forms are seen as unsustainable in terms of land use, energy and the consumption of environmental resources. Thus, the question ‘How should the urban development model be applied to create sustainable cities?’ is on the agenda of theorists, politicians and practitioners alike. Taking these discussions into consideration, this study searches for an answer to the question of whether the polycentric urban development model can be used as a tool for sustainable cities by taking into account the current literature and practices, and evaluating the case of the Ankara metropolitan area.

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