Apollo Medicine
Integrating professionalism into curriculum for medical students: Need of the hour
关键词: assessment;    curriculum;    medical students;    professionalism;   
DOI  :  10.4103/am.am_73_21
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Professionalism in the branch of medicine is one of the key attributes which a medical professional should acquire to be successful in their medical practice. It continues to be the most challenging areas for teaching, training, and assessing in both undergraduate and postgraduate period of medical training. Nevertheless, we cannot lose the opportunity to train medical students on such an essential aspect of professionalism, and the best bet we have is to integrate professionalism within the medical curriculum so that students realize its significance and teachers employ methods for its assessment. Further, there is no point in training or exposing medical students to professionalism without assessing them to measure their learning progression. In conclusion, despite being an indispensable component of medical professionalism, we have not made significant progress in training our future medical doctors about the same. This calls for the need to not only integrate professionalism within the medical curriculum but also ensure its periodic assessment in a systematic manner, and thus, the role of administrators and teachers is crucial.

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