International Journal of Supply and Operations Management
Improving Employee Satisfaction Priority through Performance Control Matrix
Ming-Che Chen1  Shun-Hsing Chen2 
[1] Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan;Yu-Da of Science and Technology University, Taiwan;
关键词: Employee satisfaction;    Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA);    Performance Control Matrix (PCM);    Service quality;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The study addresses Performance Control Matrix (PCM) to determine service quality items of priority for improvement. Most businesses focus on customer satisfaction when undertaking surveys of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, while generally neglecting employee satisfaction. Therefore, this study develops an integrated model to improve service quality in Taiwanese finance industry employees. A questionnaire is designed to determine the priority of improvement objectives derived from certain questionnaire items that fall into the improvement zone of the PCM. Ten items are found to fall into the improvement zone of the PCM. The present results show that the finance industry employees surveyed in Taiwan were dissatisfied with their job security, salaries, annual bonus, and fair distribution of operational profits. The ten improvement items mostly belong to two dimensions - ‘Pay and Benefits’ and ‘Motivation’. The managers of the financial institutions should seek to improve these quality attributes by devoting more resources to these items, thus promoting employee satisfaction.

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