Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education
Learning from the Past for the Future: How to Make Adult Education Sustainable
Franzenburg Geert1 
[1] University of Muenster, Germany;
关键词: education;    learning;    memory;    narration;    stereotypes;    transformation;   
DOI  :  10.1515/dcse-2017-0015
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

When compared to education with children, adolescents and students, adult education has particular opportunities and challenges, depending on stronger biographical influences: adults have developed their own learning style and learning competence and apart from more formal learning opportunities facilitated through digital learning and/or learning in schools/universities, there are many opportunities for informal learning, often influenced by experiences of education as a child. In this regard, biographical learning offers opportunities for transformational, organic, remembrance and experiences. The study, therefore, focuses on such kinds of adult education as a core element, particularly of Protestant adult education.

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