International Journal of Integrated Care
Integrated care at the crossroads—defining the way forward
关键词: integrated care;    quality;    evaluation methods;    evidence base;    research questions;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Introduction and background: The non-existence of a common terminology or standards in Integrated Care makes it difficult to compare experiences and results, whether on a national or international level, while the interdisciplinarity of the concept, both in theory and practice, proves to be a curse when it should be a blessing. Thus, we found it high time to bridge the gap, bring practice to theory and discuss the pressing issues of future Integrated Care research.

Workshop report: During the expert workshop, discussions were held concerning four overarching topics: (1) defining the common base for integrated care, evaluation and quality; (2) discussion on methods and tools, healthy environs; (3) governing and managerial prerequisites for integrated care and the future of integrated care; and (4) research questions arising from the workshop. The results were formulated into actions and research questions for the future.

Discussion: The workshop proved the necessity of consolidation in the area in order to foment the concept. Researchers should improve coordination and cooperation among themselves and draw from the various fields which deal with similar questions.

Conclusion: It remains to be seen whether integrated care manages to grow out of its baby shoes and establish itself as an independent and interdisciplinary field of research.
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