The Acquisition Rate and Soundness of a Low-Cost Data Acquisition System (LC-DAQ) for High Frequency Applications
Alejandro González1  JoséLuis Olazagoitia1  Ciro Moreno1  Jordi Vinolas1 
[1] Industrial Engineering Department, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Pirineos 55, 28040 Madrid, Spain;
关键词: daq;    data acquisition system;    acquisition rate;    low cost;    reliability;    arduino;    high dynamics;    vehicle applications;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s20020524
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article presents a novel and reliable low-cost data acquisition solution for high frequency and real-time applications in vehicular dynamics. Data acquisition systems for highly dynamic systems based on low-cost platforms face different challenges such as a constrained data retrieval rate. Basic data reading functions in these platforms are inefficient and, when used, they limit electronics acquisition rate capabilities. This paper explains a new low-cost, modular and open platform to read different types of sensors at high speed rates. Conventional reading functions are avoided to speed up acquisition rate, but this negatively affects data reliability of the system. To solve this and exploit higher data managing rates, a number of custom secure layers are implemented to secure a reliable acquisition. This paper describes the new low-cost electronics developed for high rate acquisition applications and inspects its performance and robustness against the introduction of an increasing number of sensors connected to the board. In most cases, acquisition rates of the system are duplicated using this new solution.

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