Historia. Instituciones. Documentos
Alle porte del Purgatorio:il testamento inedito di Ugolino Visconti di Gallura
Giacomo Floris1 
[1]Universidad de Barcelona
关键词: Testamento;    Ugolino Visconti;    famiglia;    giudicati;    Sardegna;    Pisa;    papato;    Corona d’Aragona;    guelfi e ghibellini.;    familia;    Cerdeña;    papado;    Corona de Aragón;    güelfos y gibelinos;    Will;    family;    Sardinia;    Crown of Aragon;    papacy;    guelphs and Ghibellines;   
DOI  :  http://dx.doi.org/10.12795/hid.2015.i42.05
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The aim of this article is to present the unpublished will of one of the most important personalities of the Italian Middle Ages, during the conflict between Guelphs and Ghibellines. Ugolino Visconti, one of the most powerful exponents of the families of Pisa in the 13th century, he ruled by hereditary right over part of the region of Sardinia, affecting about political events of Pisa, with significant effects within Mediterranean area. The document contributes to illustrate the historical and political events in Sardinia, in the Italian Peninsula and in the Mediterranean area, before the conquest of Regnum Sardiniae and of its annexion to the confederation of the Crown of Aragon.
【 授权许可】


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