IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society
InGaAs Junctionless FinFETs With Self-Aligned Ni-InGaAs S/D
Po-Chun Chang1  Simon M. Sze1  Edward Yi Chang1  Franky Juanda Lumbantoruan2  Chia-Hsun Wu2  Yen-Ku Lin2  Yueh-Chin Lin2  Chih-Jen Hsiao3 
[1] Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan;Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan;Technology Development 4, Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation, Hsinchu, Taiwan;
关键词: Junctionless (JL) transistor;    InGaAs nMOSFETs;    FinFET;    high-k dielectric;    Ni-InGaAs;    metal source/drain;   
DOI  :  10.1109/JEDS.2018.2859811
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, the InGaAs junctionless (JL) FinFET with notable electrical performance is demonstrated. The device with $W_{\mathrm{ fin}}$ down to 20 nm, EOT of 2.1 nm, and $L_{G} = 60$ nm shows high $I_{\mathrm{ ON}} = 188~\mu \text{A}/\mu \text{m}$ at $V_{DD} = 0.5$ V and $I_{\mathrm{ OFF}} = 100$ nA/ $\mu \text{m}$ , $I_{\mathrm{ ON}}/I_{\mathrm{ OFF}} = 5 \times 10^{5}$ , DIBL = 106 mV/V and SS = 96 mV/dec. The device also exhibits a decent extrinsic transconductance ( $G_{\mathrm{ m}}$ ) of 1142 $\mu \text{S}/\mu \text{m}$ at $V_{\mathrm{ DS}}$ of 0.5 V. This high performance is attributed to the moderate doping concentration to ensure the channel carriers could be effectively depleted and the low $R_{\mathrm{ SD}}$ realized by self-aligned Ni-InGaAs alloy S/D. Furthermore, we also examine the temperature dependence of the main electrical parameters of the JL transistor.

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