BMC Bioinformatics
Deep gene selection method to select genes from microarray datasets for cancer classification
Russul Alanni1  Hasseeb Azzawi1  Jingyu Hou1  Yong Xiang1 
[1] School of Information Technology, Deakin University;
关键词: Gene selection;    Microarray;    Evolutionary algorithms;    Gene expression programming;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12859-019-3161-2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Microarray datasets consist of complex and high-dimensional samples and genes, and generally the number of samples is much smaller than the number of genes. Due to this data imbalance, gene selection is a demanding task for microarray expression data analysis. Results The gene set selected by DGS has shown its superior performances in cancer classification. DGS has a high capability of reducing the number of genes in the original microarray datasets. The experimental comparisons with other representative and state-of-the-art gene selection methods also showed that DGS achieved the best performance in terms of the number of selected genes, classification accuracy, and computational cost. Conclusions We provide an efficient gene selection algorithm can select relevant genes which are significantly sensitive to the samples’ classes. With the few discriminative genes and less cost time by the proposed algorithm achieved much high prediction accuracy on several public microarray data, which in turn verifies the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed gene selection method.

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