Double-Frequency-Shift Acousto-Optic Modulator with Controllable Pulse Pair Frequency Difference
Yudong Lian1  Yulei Wang1  Yang Yu1  Shiwei Han1  Zhenxu Bai1  Yuhe Wang1  Xuan Qi1  Zhiwei Lu1 
[1] Center for Advanced Laser Technology, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China;
关键词: acousto-optic modulation;    Bragg diffraction;    optical frequency shift;    time synchronizer;   
DOI  :  10.3390/photonics8100436
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A scheme for controlling the frequency difference of output pulse pair with double frequency shift loops is proposed. The frequency shift system includes two loop elements of 20 and 200 MHz. The first one carries out a single selective positive frequency shift of 1–20 MHz, and the second one can satisfy a single fixed positive frequency shift of 200 MHz. The reverse cascade technology of two acousto-optic crystals is introduced to solve the limitation of the small frequency shift of crystal size. A multichannel synchronization signal completes the time domain control of each acousto-optic modulator. Finally, the frequency shift difference of the output pulse pair ranges of 0–2 GHz, and the frequency shift accuracy is 5 MHz.

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