Revista Numismática Hécate
Contramarcas privadas de valor en moneda castellana al final del s. XV
Antonio Roma Valdés1 
[1] Doctor en Arqueología por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Miembro de ANE.;
关键词: Countermarks;    Money changers;    Castile and León;    Gold;    Silver;    Billon Medieval;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Castilian coinage of the XV c. shows sometimes countermarks to mark the value of each circulating coin after a period of disorder in the minting. This practice of cutermarking, express a sort of sophistication of the Castilian market. This article analyse the different forms of countermarks and their meaning in billon, silver and gold coins.

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