Journal of Contemporary European Research
Usage of Online European Union Information Resources 2008
Angela Joyce1 
[1]Intute, University of Bristol
关键词: Online;    web 2.0;    internet;    EU;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In recent years there has been an explosion of online European Union information resources available to researchers.  However, little research into how researchers are accessing and using these resources has been carried out..  The aim of the research which informs this report was to take the first step to begin to rectify this issue.  An online survey was conducted, using University of Bristol’s BOS software to which 145 people replied. The survey found that researchers considered themselves proficient at using online services.  Surprisingly only 46.4% used them every day though. The Europa website was the most used but also paradoxically the most criticised for problems with search, navigation and transparency.  Journals were the next most popular type of resource.  Other top services included search engines, news sites and email lists. Web 2.0 has yet to be taken up widely by our sample of researchers, with few individuals having or using blogs or social networking software.  The report also highlights that while some researchers are happy with EU online services, many are concerned about poor navigation and the design of websites, bias of information and the increasing abundance of passwords necessary to access multiple information resources.
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