Revista Antioqueña de las Ciencias Computacionales y la Ingeniería de Software (RACCIS)
The progress of Requirements Engineering research
Michael Terstine1 
[1] Universidad Estatal de California;
关键词: Complexity;    Computer Science;    modeling software;    Software Engineering.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article is describes the path through the process of Requirements Engineering research and some lines are identified that can meet the needs of the emerging software and the complexity of today's problems. First is done a reviews to the state of the art of research in this area, with regard to technologies developed to address requirements specific tasks, such as elicitation, modeling and analysis. This review identified areas for further research. Subsequently, several strategies are described to implement and extend the results, in order to help shape the scope of future research. Finally, some topics for future research are proposed in order to address the Requirements Engineering needed to respond to emerging systems and the complexity of the same.

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