PIMS CRG in Explicit Methods for Abelian Varieties
Homomorphic Encryption / Transcript-Secure Digital Signatures
授课人:Joseph Silverman
机构:Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences(PIMS)
关键词: Scientific;    Mathematics;    digital signatures;    Computer Science;    Applied Mathematics;   
【 摘 要 】
As the title indicates, this talk has two parts. In the first part I will describe the problem that homomorphic encryption is meant to solve, discuss some of the difficulties in creating such systems, and describe some of the (admittedly still slow) progress that has been made. In the second part I will explain what digital signatures are and why they are so important, followed by a description of a relatively new lattice-based digital signature scheme that is both quantum-resistant and impervious to the transcript attacks that be-deviled earlier digital signature schemes based on lattice problems.
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