Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
Computational Thinking in Mathematics and Computer Science: What Programming Does to Your Head
Cuoco, Al1  Goldenberg, E. Paul1 
[1]Education Development Center
关键词: Mathematics;    Computer Science;    Education;   
DOI  :  10.5642/jhummath.202101.17
来源: Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences
【 摘 要 】
How you think about a phenomenon certainly influences how you create a program to model it. The main point of this essay is that the influence goes both ways: creating programs influences how you think. The programs we are talking about are not just the ones we write for a computer. Programs can be implemented on a computer or with physical devices or in your mind. The implementation can bring your ideas to life. Often, though, the implementation and the ideas develop in tandem, each acting as a mirror on the other. We describe an example of how programming and mathematics come together to inform and shape our interpretation of a classical result in mathematics: Euclid's algorithm that finds the greatest common divisor of two integers.
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