Energy Reports
Optimization strategy of combined thermal-storage-photovoltaic economic operation considering deep peak load regulation demand
Xingang Yang1  Yuanhao Feng2  Yun Zhou2  Yang Du3  Donghan Feng3  Hong Guan3 
[1]Corresponding author.
[2]Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion, Ministry of Education (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Shanghai 200240, China
[3]State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company, Shanghai, China
关键词: Peak load regulation;    Energy storage;    Photovoltaic abandonment;    Optimal scheduling model;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Due to the randomness and uncertainty of renewable energy output and the increasing capacity of its access to power system, the deep peak load regulation of power system has been greatly challenged. The application of energy storage unit is a measure to reduce the peak load regulation pressure of thermal power units. In this paper, a joint optimal scheduling model of photovoltaic, energy storage units and thermal power units is established. The impacts of energy storage system on operation economy and photovoltaic abandonment are studied. The comprehensive operation cost measuring the operation economy considers the fuel cost that changes with the power in a quadratic function relationship, the startup-shutdown cost that changes linearly according to the number of start-shut actions, the compensation cost of deep peak load regulation according to the power block where the output locates in and the photovoltaic abandonment cost. The optimal scheduling model takes the minimization of comprehensive cost as the objective function, and the operation constraints of photovoltaic, energy storage units and thermal power units as the feasible range. The rolling optimization strategy is applied to solve the multi-time scale results. A real prefecture-level urban power system with seventy-four thermal power units is taken as an example. Different amounts of energy storage units are set for analysis. In the case assumed in this paper, the results show that enough energy storage configuration can improve the operation economy and reduce the load loss and photovoltaic abandonment to almost zero.
【 授权许可】


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