Èkonomika, Pedagogika i Pravo
Check as Form of Municipal Control
Pavel A. Bishkov1 
[1] RUDN University;
关键词: municipal law;    functions of local government;    control;    municipal control;    local government;    control forms;    check;    Russia;    Russian Federation.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this article bases of legal regulation of one of forms of municipal control - check are revealed. The overview of tendencies of development of municipal control is given. The understanding of need of complexity of approach to control activities is offered. Features of implementation of forms of municipal control are established by federal laws and specified by regional and local regulatory legal acts. Check is understood as set of the interconnected actions of body of municipal control directly concerning the specific citizen or the organization for assessment of conformity performed by them activities or actions (inactivity).

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