With the increasing use of web services technology in the adaptive enterprise, web services management is becoming critical. Emerging Grid technology is based on web services as well. Problems that need to be addressed are: how can distributed web services be managed and how can a linkage be established between managed web services and management systems such as HP OpenView (OV). The Web Services Management Framework (WSMF) has been developed by HP and has recently merged into the OASIS Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) standard, which is still under development. This paper presents a use case how WSMF was used to manage the web services components of the Automatic Flexing Interface (AFI) that has been developed as external control interface for the Utility Data Center based on standard web services. AFI allows external control systems to flex server groups for horizontally-scalable applications. AFI allows control loops through monitoring, assessment of monitored data, and a decision about a corrective action that results in a control instruction which is sent back into the UDC via AFI adjusting the number of servers in a server group. A key contribution of this work was to demonstrate how WSMF was used to connect web-services components of AFI to Open View's Service Navigator allowing the visual presentation of control states and allowing operators to perform control operations through Service Navigator's control console. The control system with WSMF management has been demonstrated internally in HP in Nov 2003. AFI is scheduled for the UDC 2.0 product release. Notes: To be published in HP Tech Con '04, 20-23 June 2004, Orlando, FL, USA 10 Pages