Вестник КазНУ. Серия математика, механика, информатика
Three dimensional visualization of models and physical characteristics of oil and gas reservoir for virtual reality systems
A. R. Rakhymova1  D. Zh. Akhmed-Zaki1  O. N. Turar1 
[1] Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
关键词: computer graphics;    computer animation;    machine graphics;    virtual reality;    opengl;    openvr;    shader;    visualization;    grid model visualization;    .grdecl.;   
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.26577/JMMCS-2018-3-521
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper describes three-dimensional visualization of grid models of oil and gas reservoir for virtual reality systems. It was implemented in a C ++ programming language, for visualization of the model using the OpenGL library and in the virtual environment of the OpenVR library, which needs use of the SteamVR utility. Created module of visualization requires connection of special equipment for operations with the virtual environment, such as headset with its own display, base stations and controllers. As input data for drawing of model geometrical data and physical characteristics of oil field in .GRDECL format provided by Shchlumberger Eclipse are offered. Files of this format store data describing three-dimensional models consisting ofof cells on Ox, Oy and Oz, which represent the distorted parallelepipeds. The advantage of using virtual reality in visualization is that for the observer visual perceptions considerably improves, and immersion in a virtual environment is accompanied by the effect of presence. In the VR display the quality of drawing of an object significantly differs from what can be watched on a flat screen monitor.

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