Sensors & Transducers
A Wireless Low Power Valve Controller for Drip Irrigation Control Systems
Daoliang Li1  Haijiang Tai1  Nannan Wen1 
[1] China-EU Center for Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, P.R. China;
关键词: Wireless;    Valve controller;    Low power;    Drip irrigation control system.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Drip irrigation control systems in fields generally include a large number of sensors and valves; controlling these devices efficiently can be achieved by using distributed irrigation control (DIC), which has the advantages of reduced wiring and piping costs and easier installation and maintenance. In this study, a wireless low power valve controller for drip irrigation control systems was developed and tested. The specific tasks included the controller design (hardware and software), energy consumption tests, and field tests. The controller uses the highly integrated JN5139 module, which is based on IEEE802.15.4, for hardware design; low power consumption sleep algorithms for software design; and two alkaline batteries for supply of power to the valve controller. Results of laboratory and field tests show continuous working days of the valve controller powered by two alkaline batteries are at least 3 months under different sleep periods and frequencies of valve control. The controller described here is characterized as reliable, low cost, easy to install, and having low power consumption.

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