Bìznes Inform
Theoretical Approaches to the Formation of Social Capital
Volchkova Halyna K.1 
[1] Central Ukrainian National Technical University;
关键词: social capital;    category;    social interaction;    labor market;   
DOI  :  10.32983/2222-4459-2020-12-19-25
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article examines the peculiarities of the emergence and formation of the concept of social capital. The article is aimed at a theoretical substantiation of the process of formation of social capital and formulation of the definition of the category of «social capital» from the position of multiaspectivity of its study. The formation of social capital is considered as a process of creating and capitalizing social ties. It is proved that the process of formation of social capital is characterized by the presence of not only direct, but also inverse interactions between the subjects in the exchange of resources. The mutual influence of factors that change due to the use of social capital is substantiated, and conclusions about the process of formation of social capital are drawn as follows: social interactions should be considered as a mutually inverse process of linear nature; the content of social capital is determined not by «input» factors, but the structural characteristics of the mechanism of influence on social capital; each time when studying the impact of certain factors on social capital, the consequences are much wider; dynamics (pace, speed) of changes in the amount of social capital multiplicatively influences socio-economic processes; there is a possibility of transition of positive dynamics of the growth of social capital into the negative dynamics and vice versa; the presence of synergistic effect due to the influence of factors of both direct and inverse influence on the formation of social capital. The formation of social capital is a dynamic and multifactorial process of accumulation of social ties on the basis of trust, characterized by systemic relationships of both direct and inverse influence, the defined interdependences of structural components of social capital, which are influenced by cultural, historical, economic, political, socio-psychological, mental, and information factors.

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