Decision Science Letters
Multi-criteria approach for strategic planning of reverse supply chain
关键词: Reverse supply chain;    Domestic waste;    Plans;    Criteria;    Outranking relations;   
DOI  :  10.5267/j.dsl.2016.11.003
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A reverse supply chain is viewed as a process from consumption point to recovery point and the management of domestic waste is considered as a specific and complex reverse supply chain. This important sector represents a high challenging problem for our cities, constrained by financial, social, health and environmental considerations. This paper proposes multicriteria decision aid to help choose an efficient domestic waste management strategy. In fact, Multicriteria decision making techniques are considered as a key option to solve this type of problems, giving a solution that represents a good compromise between different preferences. The adopted approach consists in outranking a set of candidate management plans using a method based on partial aggregation criteria. This model is applied on a real case study of an Algerian city and to validate the obtained results, a deep sensitivity analysis is carried out, giving the most appropriate plans.

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