Social Sciences
Challenging the Fundamental Premise of White Supremacy: DNA Documents the Jewish Origins of the New England Colony
Elizabeth C. Hirschman1 
[1]Department of Business and Economics, University of Virginia-Wise, Wise, VA 24293, USA
关键词: New England;    genealogical DNA;    Ashkenazic Jews;    white supremacy;   
DOI  :  10.3390/socsci10060232
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The English Puritans of New England are a foundational element in the current racist ideology of White Supremacy. Depicted in history books as stalwart British Protestants who braved bitter winters and Native predations to establish a “City on the Hill”—a beacon to the world of freedom and liberty—the Puritans became ideals in the American consciousness. But what if this is a misrepresentation, created largely in the mid and late 1800s to serve as a political barrier against Catholic, East European, Jewish, and Asian immigrants who threatened the “American way of life”? The present research uses genealogical DNA data collected from descendants of the New England settlers to demonstrate that these original “Yankees” were of Jewish ancestry. The WASP origination of New England is shown to be a false narrative.
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