Urbanization and Leisure: Aspects of the Historical Creation of Public Spaces in Vitoria (ES)
Ana Lucy Oliveira Freire1  Fernando Domingos Vieira Sartório1 
[1] Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo;
关键词: Public spaces;    Leisure;    Urbanization;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper seeks to expose part of a research and, through it contribute to the debates about leisure in the present city in a context whose urban spaces and society could become more democratic. Performs a historical analysis of public spaces for leisure in the city of Vitoria from the late nineteenth century to the present, trying to print a critical view of the location of spaces in the city. The tarting point of the analysis is the importance of leisure in the daily life of the inhabitants linked to the waterfront, manifesting, for example, in fisheries, in physical exercise, the landscape of contemplation, in swimming, the beaches of uses, in games in the sand, fishing, the outdoors hiking, among other activities. This article is part of the research of a historical study stages of the city urbanization process between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, concurrent to leisure analyzes at the time. The center of attention is the creation of public spaces along the beach line boardwalk in the 1980s and 1990s,and the large urban transformation period that has being intensified with a concentrated geographically leisure sites in the east of the waterfront in the city. Finally, the paper presents some considerations about challenging the expansion of projects done by the government to expand the relations of citizens with the sea through the use of public spaces in other areas of the city

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