Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 卷:4
Impact analysis of false data injection attacks on power system static security assessment
Gaoqi Liang1  Jiongcong Chen2  Chunchao Hu2  Fengji Luo3  Zexiang Cai4  Yan Xu5  Junhua Zhao6 
[1]Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks, University of Newcastle,Newcastle,Australia
[2]|Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid,Guangzhou,China
[3]|School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney,Sydney,Australia
[4]|School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou,China
[5]|School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney,Sydney,Australia
[6]|School of Science &x0026
关键词: Cyber physical power system;    Static security assessment;    False data injection attacks;    State estimation;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s40565-016-0223-6
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Static security assessment (SSA) is an important procedure to ensure the static security of the power system. Researches recently show that cyber-attacks might be a critical hazard to the secure and economic operations of the power system. In this paper, the influences of false data injection attack (FDIA) on the power system SSA are studied. FDIA is a major kind of cyber-attacks that can inject malicious data into meters, cause false state estimation results, and evade being detected by bad data detection. It is firstly shown that the SSA results could be manipulated by launching a successful FDIA, which can lead to incorrect or unnecessary corrective actions. Then, two kinds of targeted scenarios are proposed, i.e., fake secure signal attack and fake insecure signal attack. The former attack will deceive the system operator to believe that the system operates in a secure condition when it is actually not. The latter attack will deceive the system operator to make corrective actions, such as generator rescheduling, load shedding, etc. when it is unnecessary and costly. The implementation of the proposed analysis is validated with the IEEE-39 benchmark system.
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