Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies 卷:43
Milk and Dairy Products in Romania Before and After EU Accession
Eleonora Nistor1  Lenuta Pet1  Valeria Ciolac1  Vasileios Bampidis2 
[1] Banat University of Agriculture Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara;
[2] Department of Animal Production, School of Agricultural Technology, Alexander Technological EducationalInstitute, Thessaloniki;
关键词: butter;    cheese;    dairy;    milk;    production;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper provides an analysis and documentation in the dairy supply. The dairy sector is of great importance to the European Union (EU) in a variety of ways. Its most striking feature is that milk is produced in every single EU Member State without exception. Milk production is on the second place in Romania’s agriculture after meat production. Romanian milk and dairy production and consumption registered significant changes over the last years and it is foreseen to be emphasizing in the next period. The most important event which influences the production and consumption is the integration of Romania in European Union.

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