Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 卷:36
Effect of crude apple extract on the cariogenic factors of Streptococcus mutans: An in vitro study
关键词: Adhesion;    antibacterial;    crude whole apple extract;    pH;    Streptococcus mutans;   
DOI  :  10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_84_17
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Objective: The aim was to assess the effects of crude extract of whole apple on the cariogenic properties of Streptococcus mutans by evaluating (1) its growth, (2) its adherence property, and (3) changes caused by acid produced by S. mutans in the presence of sucrose (in vitro). Study Design: Kashmiri Apples (sourced from the local market) were used for the study. Whole apple extracts including the skin were used to obtain undiluted crude apple extract. The growth of S. mutans in the presence of the crude apple extract was evaluated by agar diffusion test as well as direct contact inhibition test. The effects of the crude extract on the adherence of S. mutans was assessed by modified O'Toole method in which the viable cell counts of S. mutans which remained adherent on the microtitre plate were calculated. The effects of the test materials on pH changes caused by S. mutans in the presence of sucrose were assessed using pH meter. Results: Crude extract of the whole apple showed no significant inhibitory effect on the growth of S. mutans while a significant inhibitory activity on the adherence of S. mutans was observed. Furthermore, the significant inhibitory effect on the pH drop was recorded, although pH remained below the critical value of 5.5 at all times. Conclusion: Crude whole apple extract has considerable anti-cariogenic effect on S. mutans and hence can be used as a natural alternative which can aid in the prevention of dental caries.
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