Enhanced sum frequency generation for ultrasensitive characterization of plasmonic modes
Min Gao1  Zhaohui Wang2  Yuhan He2  Ying Chen3  Tien-Mo Shih4  Weimin Yang1  Huanyang Chen3  Zhilin Yang1 
[1] Department of Physics, Collaborative Innovation Center for Optoelectronic Semiconductors and Efficient Devices, Jiujiang Research Institute, Xiamen University;State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, The MOE Key Laboratory of Spectrochemical Analysis and Instrumentation, and Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University;Institute of Electromagnetics and Acoustics and Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Wave Science and Detection Technology, Xiamen University;Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California
关键词: plasmonics;    surface plasmon resonance;    sum frequency generation;    finite-element method;   
DOI  :  10.1515/nanoph-2019-0447
来源: De Gruyter
【 摘 要 】

Highly sensitive characterization of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) modes lays the solid foundation for wide SPR-related applications. Herein, we discover that these SPR modes based on all-metal nanostructures without any probed molecule can be characterized with ultrahigh sensitivities at both excitation and emission wavelengths by utilizing plasmon-enhanced sum frequency generation (PESFG) spectroscopy. The theory of PESFG for sensitively characterizing SPR modes is first validated experimentally. Moreover, we have elaborately demonstrated that PESFG strongly depends on both the resonant wavelengths of SPR modes and spatial mode distributions when azimuthal angles of excitations are varied. Our study not only enhances the understanding of the mechanism that governs PESFG, but also offers a potentially new method for exploring new-style SPR modes (e.g. plasmon-induced magnetic resonance and bound states in the continuum) by PESFG.

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