Micro & nano letters
Negative bias temperature instability in SOI-like p-type metal oxide semiconductor devices
Lijie Li1  Chan Shan2  Ying Wang2  Xin Luo1 
[1] College of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University;Key Laboratory of RF Circuits and Systems, Ministry of Education, Hangzhou Dianzi University
关键词: elemental semiconductors;    silicon;    MOSFET;    silicon-on-insulator;    silicon compounds;    wide band gap semiconductors;    negative bias temperature instability;    negative bias temperature instability;    SLBS PMOS device;    NBTI;    SLBS pMOSFET;    stress temperature;    body bias;    FD SOI devices;    SOI-like p-type metal oxide semiconductor devices;    silicon on insulator;    bulk silicon MOSFET;    n-p-n+ structure;    SiC;    Si;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2018.0012
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

Beata thalassemia Beta thalassemia syndrome by reduction or absence of B-globin chain synthesis. Without iron chelation therapy (ICT) the regular blood transfusion would increase the iron stores to several times. Endocrine glands are vulnerable to iron overload causing endocrine dysfunction.  Iron deposition within the parathyroid gland causes hypoparathyroidism particularly after ten years of age. Pancreatic islets are very susceptible to oxidative damage due to iron overload; their high divalent metal expression makes them highly susceptible to iron-catalyzing oxidative stress. The pathogenicity of osteopathy in  is multifactorial comprising environmental (diet and lifestyle), iatrogenic (medicines), genetic and acquired factors (expansion of bone marrow, hemochromatosis, deficiency of growth hormone, hepatitis and hypogonadism).The increase in blood transfusion and RBCs break down in addition to iron accumulation and deposition are the main factors causing splenomegaly. Liver disease is one of the major complications affecting patients with B TM.Liver damage is multifactorial with iron overload is considered the main causative factor, as well as hepatitis C (HCV) and hepatitis B (HBV) infections which are acquired on recurrent blood transfusions. The free radicals of deposited iron overcome the cellular antioxidant mechanisms resulting in peroxidative cellular injury. As a result, iron overload is the leading cause of left ventricular cardiomyopathy development.

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