Basic and Clinical Neuroscience
Diagnostic Challenges and Prospects Associated With Zoonotic Tuberculosis of Central Nervous System
R. Bapat, Prachi1  D. Shekhawat, Seema1  A. Husain, Aliabbas1  S. Dodkey, Renuka1  F. Daginawala, Hatim1  K. Singh, Lokendra1  S. Kashyap, Rajpal1 
[1] Research Centre, Central India Institute of Medical Sciences
关键词: Duplex PCR;    Mycobacterium Bovis;    Tuberculous meningitis;    Zoonoses;   
DOI  :  10.32598/bcn.
来源: Iran University of Medical Sciences
【 摘 要 】

Introduction: The diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis (TBM) has remained a challenge due to its insidious onset and the failure of conventional diagnostic tests. The present study aimed to identify the mycobacterial pathogen in the CSF of patients with TBM and a poor prognosis. Methods: We retrospectively recruited 224 TBM and 34 non-TBM patients admitted to the Central India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, India, in 2014. The CSF samples of these patients were subjected to a duplex PCR assay for the species-specific identification of the causative pathogen. Results: M. bovis and infection with M.tuberculosis were detected in 7% (18) and 32.9% (85) of the patients, respectively. Moreover, 14% (36) of the study samples were culture positive; however, the mycobacterial pathogens could not be differentiated to the species level. Conclusion: The present study findings emphasized the potentially vital importance of M. bovis identification for appropriate patient management. The obtained data also demonstrated the persistent significance of M. bovis, as a zoonotic pathogen.

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