Sao Paulo Medical Journal
Can sibutramine alter systemic blood pressure in obese patients? Systematic review and meta-analysis
Hernani Pinto De Lemos Júnior1  Álvaro Nagib Atallah1  André Luis Alves De Lemos1 
[1] ,Universidade Federal de São Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina
关键词: Obesity;    Body mass index;    Overweight;    Hypertension;    Anti-obesity agents;    Obesidade;    Índice de massa corporal;    Sobrepeso;    Hipertensão;    Agentes anti-obesidade;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1516-31802008000600010
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

CONTEXT: Systemic arterial hypertension is part of the metabolic syndrome resulting from obesity. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of sibutramine on overweight and obese patients' blood pressure through a systematic review. METHODS: All the studies included needed to be randomized controlled trials. The methodological quality of the selected trials was assessed using the criteria described in the Cochrane Handbook. The participants were overweight and obese patients; the intervention was sibutramine compared with placebo. The primary outcome measurement was systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the secondary measurement was blood pressure. Studies were identified by searching the following sources: Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Medline, Cochrane reviews, manual searches, personal communication and contact with the pharmaceutical industry. There were no language, date or other restrictions. Data collection and extraction was performed by two reviewers, who independently obtained the full articles of all eligible papers. RESULTS: Three meta-analyses were produced: 1) systolic blood pressure outcome (eight studies) did not show statistical significance between sibutramine and placebo: weighted mean difference (WMD) 1.57, confidence interval (CI) -0.03 to 3.18; 2) diastolic blood pressure outcome (ten studies) did not show statistical significance between sibutramine and placebo: WMD 1.13, CI -0.49 to 2.76; 3) blood pressure outcome (two studies) also did not show statistical significance between the groups: relative risk (RR) 0.69, CI 0.07 to 7.01. CONCLUSIONS: The meta-analyses presented in this systematic review show that sibutramine does not have a statistically significant effect on blood pressure, compared with placebo.

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