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Mortality and risks related to healthcare-associated infection
Ester Sena Souza1  Renata Aparecida Belei1  Claudia Maria Dantas De Maio Carrilho1  Tiemi Matsuo1  Sueli Fumie Yamada-ogatta1  Galdino Andrade1  Marcia Regina Eches Perugini1  Flávia Meneguetti Pieri1  Elma Mathias Dessunti1  Gilselena Kerbauy1 
关键词: Cross infection;    Epidemiology;    Mortality;    Risk factors;    Infección hospitalaria;    Epidemiología;    Mortalidad;    Factores de riesgo;    Infecção hospitalar;    Epidemiologia;    Mortalidade;    Fatores de risco;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0104-07072015002940013
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
Healthcare-associated infections are a major cause of morbidity-mortality among hospitalized patients. The aim of this epidemiological study was to determine mortality and risks related to death in adult patients with healthcare-associated infections admitted to a teaching hospital in one year. Patient data were collected from infection medical reports. The mortality rate associated with infections was 38.4%, and it was classified as a contributing factor to deaths in 87.1% of death cases. The correlation between healthcare-associated infection and death was statistically significant among clinical patients (41.3%) presenting comorbidities related to the diagnosis (55.8%), cardiovascular infection (62.2%), pneumonia (48.9%), developing sepsis (69.0%), as well as patients who had been colonized (45.2%) and infected (44.7%) by multidrug resistance microorganisms.
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