Ciência Rural
Sequences of digestible lysine for gilts from 60 to 148 days of age
Veredino Louzada Da Silva Júnior1  Juarez Lopes Donzele1  Rita Flávia Miranda De Oliveira1  Alysson Saraiva1  Francisco Carlos De Oliveira Silva1  João Luís Kill1 
关键词: amino acid;    carcass;    performance;    pigs;    requirement;    aminoácidos;    carcaça;    desempenho;    exigência;    suínos;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0103-8478cr20130866
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
The experiment was conducted to evaluate five nutritional plans based on sequences of standardized ileal digestible lysine: 0.90-0.80-0.70, 1.00-0.90-0.80, 1.10-1.00-0.90, 1.20-1.10-1.00, and 1.30-1.20-1.10% fed to gilts from 60 to 99, 129 to 100, and 130 to 148 days of age, respectively. Eighty commercial hybrid gilts, selected for lean gain, with initial weight of 23.46±0.27kg were allotted in a randomized block design, with five treatments, eight replicates, and two pigs per experimental unit. No effect (P>0.05) of the nutritional plans was verified on daily feed intake, daily weight gain and feed conversion. The nutritional plans had no influence (P>0.05) on any of the carcass traits evaluated (carcass yield, meat amount, and meat yield). The nutritional plan of 0.90-0.80-0.70% standardized ileal digestible lysine fed to gilts from 60 to 99, 100 to 129, and 130 to 148 days of age, respectively, meets the standardized ileal digestible lysine requirements of gilts from 60 to 148 days of age.
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