Acta Cirurgica Brasileira
Antidepressant behavioral effects of duloxetine and fluoxetine in the rat forced swimming test
Leandro Ciulla1  Honório Sampaio Menezes1  Bárbara Beatriz Moreira Bueno1  Alexandre Schuh1  Rafael José Vargas Alves1  Milena Pacheco Abegg1 
[1],ULBRACanoas RS ,Brazil
关键词: Physiological Effects of Drugs;    Fluoxetine;    Depression;    Animal Experimentation;    Efeitos Fisiológicos de Drogas;    Fluoxetina;    Depressão;    Experimentação Animal;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-86502007000500005
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
PURPOSE: To compare the effects of the antidepressant drugs duloxetine and fluoxetine on depressive behaviors in rodents. METHODS: Eighteen male Wistar rats were given systemic injections of duloxetine, fluoxetine, or saline prior to a Forced Swimming Test (FST). Immobility and number of stops were measured. RESULTS: Rats given injections of fluoxetine displayed significantly less immobility (p = 0.02) and fewer stops than the control group (p = 0.003). Duloxetine significanlty reduced the number of stops (p = 0.003), but did not effect immobility (p = 0.48). CONCLUSION: Duloxetine and fluoxetine reduced depressive behaviors in the Forced FST. However, our findings suggest that fluoxetine is more effective than duloxetine.
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