The proliferation of online computer resources and the increasing availability to most people in the general patient population in the United States presents a nontraditional avenue to provide patient education.Stress Gym, an online intervention for patients, is a specific online intervention that shows promise as an aid in patient education.The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between stress, depressive symptoms, attention, cognitive load, and time on task in participants with stress and depressive symptoms and to explore the effect of an online intervention (Stress Gym) in these participants.A pre-post test correlational comparative design was used to examine depressive symptoms, stress, attention, and cognitive load and the effects of reducing stress on cognitive load.The sample was 110 participants from a mid-sized midwestern university. They were asked to answer questions from 4 tools; Personal Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Attentional Functional Index (AFI) and Cognitive Load (CL) online.They were then routed to the Stress Gym online intervention where they explored 9 modules designed to help people manage stress and depressive symptoms.Post intervention questions included the same measures in pre-test as well as additional questions about estimated CL and time for each individual Stress Gym Module and demographic questions. Significant correlations were found between depressive symptoms, stress, attention difficulties, and cognitive load.Stress Gym was found to significantly decrease depressive symptoms, stress, attention difficulties, and cognitive load for all participants.When participants were divided into depressive symptoms or no depressive symptoms groups, significant reductions were seen in depressive symptoms, stress, and attention difficulties but not for cognitive load.Significant differences were seen for cognitive load in these groups when examined by cognitive load for each individual Stress Gym module versus an aggregate measure of cognitive load.Stress Gym has been shown to improve depressive symptoms, stress, attention difficulties, and cognitive load,symptoms that have been shown to negatively impact learning.By positively affecting these Stress Gym has the potential to improve learning in patients at most risk to have learning difficulties because of their disorder.
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Reduction of Cognitive Load, Stress, and Depression: The Effects of a Web-Based Intervention.