Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Preliminary phytochemical screening and molluscicidal activity of the aqueous extract of Bidens pilosa Linné (Asteraceae) in Subulina octona (Mollusca, Subulinidade)
Bruna A. Souza1  Lidiane C. Da Silva1  Evelyn D. Chicarino1  Elisabeth C. A. Bessa1 
关键词: Agricultural pest;    control;    land sn;    ail;    molluscicide;    vegetable extract;    Praga;    controle;    molusco terrestre;    moluscicida;    extrato vegetal;    agrícola;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0001-37652013111812
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this study was to establish reference concentrations (LC50 e LC90) of aqueous extracts of Bidens pilosa on the land snail Subulina octona, in order to assess the changes caused by 24 and 48 h exposure to the sublethal concentration regarding species' fecundity, hatchability and in offspring produced after exposure to confirm the presence of tannins, saponins and flavonoids in this plant species. Eggs newly hatched and 30 day-old snails were exposed to sublethal concentration, calculated for adults. The phytochemical analysis confirmed the presence of flavonoids, condensed tannins and saponins in the aqueous extract of B. pilosa. The LC50 and LC90 obtained were 51.4mg-mL and 74.1mg-mL respectively. The exposure to sublethal concentration reduced significantly the hatchability and the survival of the offspring hatched from exposed eggs and also caused a reduction on survival and growth in snails exposed for both time period. The exposure time also caused a reduction at the evaluated parameters.

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