Wireless Magnetoelastic Resonance Sensors: A Critical Review
Craig A. Grimes1  Casey S. Mungle1  Kefeng Zeng1  Mahaveer K. Jain1  WilliamR. Dreschel1  Maggie Paulose1 
[1] 1Department of Electrical Engineering & Materials Research Institute, 217 Materials Research Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA 2SenTech Corporation, 200 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 236, State College, PA 16803, USA
关键词: Magnetoelastic;    Sensor;    Wireless;    Passive;    Remote query;    Micro-sensor;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s20700294
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a comprehensive review of magnetoelastic environmental sensor technology; topics include operating physics, sensor design, and illustrative applications. Magnetoelastic sensors are made of amorphous metallic glass ribbons or wires, with a characteristic resonant frequency inversely proportional to length. The remotely detected resonant frequency of a magnetoelastic sensor shifts in response to different physical parameters including stress, pressure, temperature, flow velocity, liquid viscosity, magnetic field, and mass loading. Coating the magnetoelastic sensor with a mass changing, chemically responsive layer enables realization of chemical sensors. Magnetoelastic sensors can be remotely interrogated by magnetic, acoustic, or optical means. The sensors can be characterized in the time domain, where the resonant frequency is determined through analysis of the sensor transient response, or in the frequency domain where the resonant frequency is determined from the frequency-amplitude spectrum of the sensor.

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