Ethylene Detection Using Nanoporous PtTiO2 Coatings Applied to Magnetoelastic Thick Films
关键词: Ethylene;    Sensor;    Metal Oxide;    Magnetoelastic;    Nanoporous;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s20800331
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper reports on the use of nanoporous Pt-TiO2 thin films coated onto magnetoelastic sensors for the detection of ethylene, an important plant growth hormone. Five different metal oxide coatings, TiO2, TiO2+ZrO2, TiO2+TTCN(1,4,7-Trithiacyclononane)+Ag, SiO2+Fe, and TiO2+Pt, each having demonstrated photocatalytic activity in response to ethylene, were investigated for their ability to change mass or elasticity in response to changing ethylene concentration. Pt-TiO2 films were found to possess the highest sensitivities, and coupled with the magnetoelastic sensor platform capable of sensing ethylene levels of < 1 ppm.

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