Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks
Low Cost Multisensor Kinematic Positioning and Navigation System with Linux/RTAI
Kun Qian1  Jianguo Wang2  Nilesh S. Gopaul2 
[1] Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, York University, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada;
关键词: embedded;    Global Position System (GPS);    Inertial Navigation System (INS);    Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU);    multisensor integrated navigation;    real-time;    Linux;    RTAI;    LXRT;    time synchronization;   
DOI  :  10.3390/jsan1030166
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Despite its popularity, the development of an embedded real-time multisensor kinematic positioning and navigation system discourages many researchers and developers due to its complicated hardware environment setup and time consuming device driver development. To address these issues, this paper proposed a multisensor kinematic positioning and navigation system built on Linux with Real Time Application Interface (RTAI), which can be constructed in a fast and economical manner upon popular hardware platforms. The authors designed, developed, evaluated and validated the application of Linux/RTAI in the proposed system for the integration of the low cost MEMS IMU and OEM GPS sensors. The developed system with Linux/RTAI as the core of a direct geo-referencing system provides not only an excellent hard real-time performance but also the conveniences for sensor hardware integration and real-time software development. A software framework is proposed in this paper for a universal kinematic positioning and navigation system with loosely-coupled integration architecture. In addition, general strategies of sensor time synchronization in a multisensor system are also discussed. The success of the loosely-coupled GPS-aided inertial navigation Kalman filter is represented via post-processed solutions from road tests.

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