Using CoolBase to Build Ubiquitous Computing Applications
Chan, Wesley
HP Development Company
关键词: ubiquitous computing;    pervasive computing;    CoolTown;    CoolBase;    mobile;    embedded;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2001-215
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

The CoolBase platform from HP Labs facilitates the creation of a wide variety of ubiquitous computing scenarios--from delivering personalized museum exhibit services on handheld PDAs to "smart" printers that output documents from links stored on your mobile phone. The platform consists of several hardware and software modules that implement an architecture that links web presences to people, places, and things. Since the architecture relies on widely used open standards, the platform helps to overcome many of the challenges inherent in the design and creation of ubiquitous computing applications. Notes: To be presented at the UbiTools '01 Workshop, September 30, 2001, Atlanta, GA. 4 Pages

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