CO2 Laser Manufacturing of Miniaturised Lenses for Lab-on-a-Chip Systems
Mazher-Iqbal Mohammed1 
关键词: microlens;    microfluidic;    laser;    PMMA;    lab-on-a-chip;    optics;   
DOI  :  10.3390/mi5030457
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

This article describes the manufacturing and characterisation of plano-convex miniaturised lenses using a CO2 laser engraving process in PMMA substrates. The technique allows for lenses to be fabricated rapidly and in a reproducible manner at depths of over 200 μm and for lens diameters of more than 3 mm. Experimental characterisation of the lens focal lengths shows good correlation with theory. The plano-convex lenses have been successfully embedded into capillary microfluidic systems alongside planar microlenses, allowing for a significant reduction of ancillary optics without a loss of detection sensitivity when performing fluorescence measurements. Such technology provides a significant step forward towards the portability of fluorescence- or luminescence-based systems for biological/chemical analysis.

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