Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering
Study on Impact Resistance of PC12 Cells
Shigeru AOMURA3  Kiyoto FURUSE3  Ayako NASU2  Satoshi FUJIWARA2  Akira KAKUTA1  Yuelin ZHANG3 
[1]Mechanical and Computer System Engineering, Tokyo National College of Technology
[2]Forensic Science and Pathophysiology Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama City University
[3]Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University
关键词: Diffuse Axonal Injury;    Strain Rate;    Neuronal Cell;    Axon;    PC12 Cell;   
DOI  :  10.1299/jbse.5.119
来源: Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
【 摘 要 】
References(10)In this study, the effects of a dynamic strain in the cytotoxicity and mortality of the PC12 cell line were evaluated by using impact experiment with huge acceleration. In order to consider the influence of axonal damage on nerve cells, 2 types of nerve cells were used for the impact experiments, i.e. with and without axons. The cytotoxicity and mortality of cells were evaluated by the input acceleration, strain and strain rate and the strain rate seemed to be the most appropriate to evaluate the cytotoxicity and mortality of cells. Cells with axons showed higher cytotoxicity and mortality than cells without axons, when the strain rate was larger than 13.11 (1/s). Damage to axons was confirmed by terminal swellings and beadings of the axons. These data indicated that the presence of axons increased the cytotoxicity and mortality of cells.
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